Arsenic Toxicity and Cognitive Decline: How Hidden Toxins Threaten Brain Health

ArsenicRiceToxicity_Functional Medicine

Signs and Symptoms of Arsenic Toxicity (How You Know if You Have It) Arsenic toxicity can be a silent disruptor in the body, often accumulating over years without presenting obvious symptoms. However, over time, the signs become more evident, signaling chronic exposure and toxicity. Early symptoms may include fatigue, headaches, brain fog, and mood disturbances […]

Radon Toxicity: The Invisible Danger in Your Home


When it comes to indoor health hazards, radon might not be the first thing that comes to mind, but it should be on your radar. This colorless, odorless, radioactive gas can seep into homes, causing long-term health effects that are often misdiagnosed or overlooked. Let’s dive into what radon toxicity is, how to recognize it, […]

Rethinking Fluoride: Protecting Brain and Oral Health

fluoride and brain health

Fluoride has long been championed as a tool for cavity prevention, but growing evidence challenges its safety, particularly when it comes to brain health. Studies link high fluoride exposure to lower IQ scores in children and cognitive decline in adults, raising serious concerns about its widespread use, especially in public water systems. While fluoride does […]

Safe Oral Health Products

The connection between oral health and brain health has only recently been recognized. Oral health and more specifically, the bacteria in our mouths, can be a root cause of inflammation and even bacterial infections that can play a huge role in brain health both right now (i.e. brain fog or depression) and long term (Alzheimer’s […]

Non-Toxic Home Cleaning Products

Non-Toxic Cleaner Recipes Isn’t it ironic that many of the products that we use for cleaning can be a large source of toxins that are dirtying up our bodies? Not only can they be poisonous in large amounts (if accidentally consumed or inhaled), but low-level use can contribute to chronic toxic exposures that can play […]

The Glymphatic System: Detoxifying Your Brain During Sleep

Sleep is more than just a time for rest—it’s a crucial period for the brain’s health and detoxification processes. The glymphatic system, a waste clearance pathway in the brain, primarily works during sleep, particularly deep sleep. This system is essential for flushing out harmful proteins and metabolic waste that accumulate during waking hours. Without proper […]

Pesticide Toxicity: What to Look For, Labs to Reference, and Detox Strategies


The widespread use of pesticides in modern agriculture comes with a major downside—exposure to toxic chemicals that can affect human health. It’s essential to understand the warning signs, how to accurately assess exposure, and the best strategies for reducing and detoxifying from these harmful chemicals. Understanding Pesticide Exposure Pesticide exposure can occur through multiple avenues: […]